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Donate to Cat Adoption Foundation and save a life today.

Frequently asked questions


Is my donation secure?

Absolutely. The security and confidentiality of your information is our highest priority. We use industry-standard SSL technology to protect your information and provide a safe and secure environment for online donations. We will not sell, trade or share your personal information with anyone else, nor send any correspondence on behalf of other organisations.

Why do you need donations?

We are an entirely volunteer-run organisation with no government funding. In order to help the kittens and cats in our care find homes we keep our adoption fees reasonable, but they do not cover our costs. Our incredible volunteers generally pay for food and litter out of their own pockets. Your donations go largely towards vet bills for the many sick and injured kitties we rescue, as well as desexing, vaccinations and microchipping for every kitty we rehome. Your donations allow us to continue this life saving work.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes, we are a registered charity (licence number CCP2690) so donations over $2 are tax deductible. We will send you an email receipt after you have donated.

Are there other ways to donate?

If you would prefer not to donate via the online form, you can make a direct deposit to our bank account.
Account name: CAF Inc
BSB: 065 145
Account number: 10459071.

Alternatively, you can post a cheque to PO Box 229, Kent Town, South Australia 5071.

You can also donate directly through PayPal, using our email address

Why should I consider giving monthly?

Just a small amount each month adds up to a massive difference to the care we can provide. Regular donations help us to make regular payments to our vets that help us to keep going.

How do I sponsor a cat?

Sponsoring a cat helps us to provide ongoing care.

In the form above, under “Where would you like your donation to go?” select “Sponsor a cat”. Then tick the “Write us a comment” box and write the name of the cat you would like to sponsor.

You can choose either a one-time donation towards the cat’s vet work, or a monthly donation to help with their daily needs. You can cancel a recurring donation at any time.

Why does the form ask for my name and email address?

These details are simply to provide you with a tax receipt after you have donated. We will never share any of your information with other parties, or use it for any other purpose.

If you tick yes to subscribe to our mailing list, we will send emails to the address you have specified. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Can I change or cancel my monthly donation?

Yes, absolutely you can change the amount, or cancel your ongoing monthly donation at any time.

Details on how to change the donation amount or cancel recurring donations can be found on the Donorbox website.

If you have any questions please contact us at